Non-Discrimination Policy
For purposes of this Non-Discrimination Policy, any of the following is considered to be a “Protected Class”: race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability, veteran status, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation (real or perceived, as manifested by identity, acts, statements and associations), or any other characteristic protected by applicable United States federal or state law.
Any organization or program that receives funding from Bayer Fund will:
Recruit, hire, train, promote, and provide conditions of employment and access to services without regard to a person’s membership in a Protected Class (except for services to Special Needs Populations as described below).
Be free of any discriminatory conduct relating to a member of a Protected Class; and avoid exclusionary practices or harassment in employee relations, and in providing services or determining the populations it serves.
Not in any way, implicit or explicit, promote, advocate, or instigate an ideology or environment that pits groups of people against each other or uses threats, intimidation, or violence to advance its causes.
Provide confirmation/affirmation that the organization or the program for which funding is requested does have a non-discrimination policy consistent with that of Bayer Fund.
Provide a copy of the organization or program’s non-discrimination policy upon request.
This Non-Discrimination Policy applies to any donations made by the Bayer Fund in the United States of America.
Bayer Fund intends to ensure that members of Protected Classes have access to services. However, it is important to recognize that services provided to special needs populations may represent specific gender, race, and other protected groups. Also, many groups that limit their membership provide social services and programs without discrimination to special needs populations. Therefore, funding of these types of organizations and programs shall be permitted under this Non-Discrimination Policy. The focus of Bayer Fund’s charitable funding decisions will be based on an organization’s or a program’s non-discrimination policy as it relates to access to services or selection of target populations to be served.
For example:
Funding for a YWCA women’s domestic abuse center would qualify as long as women served were not excluded due to race, religion, ethnic origin, sexual orientation or other means considered discriminatory to any protected class.
Funding for a community health clinic operated by a church would not be excluded from consideration as long as the services were provided to anyone in the community and did not exclude services to any protected class. The clinic would be disqualified if it limited services only to members of the church or a specific religious belief.
This policy is effective as of December 15, 2016 and replaces the Non-Discrimination Policy that was adopted by the Board of Directors of Bayer Fund on June 13, 2015.